In an era characterized by globalization, technological, social and cultural changes have profoundly changed the relationship with food and it is increasingly difficult to be informed about the path the product takes before arriving on our table, who produces it and how they produce it . Ittiturismo La Tramontana has as its objective educational projects, experiential tourism and to act as a tool for direct participation between the world of fishermen and citizens, to welcome schools and groups of curious people and to create a moment of connection between the city and the sea. Starting with the younger generations, to raise awareness of the origins of the products we consume, stimulate the critical spirit and the desire to know. An appreciable way for young people to discover the social and economic importance of an often underestimated profession. Fish tourism offers an exceptional context in which to enjoy fishing, culinary and educational experiences with visits that are made according to age, school programs or projects. Specifically, direct participation in the world of fishermen with guided tours and whose essential theme is sustainable tourism.

Experiential Tourism


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