Driving the latest top class models of Ferrari and Lamborghini guests will reach a Parmesan cheese producer and a renowned traditional balsamic vinegar estate. They will discover the secrets of these Italian gastronomic delights. After each visits they will be offered a rich tasting to better appreciate the local products.

The tour will continue with the exclusive visit to a private collection of vintage cars and motorcycles. The owner will guide the guests through the history of the Italian automotive industry and unveil anecdotes and curiosities.

A delicious gourmet lunch accompanied by local wines will be offered at a restaurant inside a beautiful villa.

In the afternoon, guests will have a private guided tour of Pagani or Lamborghini factory floors and museum.

Why us?

  • TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence w/5 Star rating
  • 16 Years of activity
  • 65K + Happy Customers
  • 13K + Delivered Tours
  • 500+ Events organized
  • Destination experts for Emilia Romagna and Bologna
  • Rewarded by Travel Experts: Fodors, Viator, Lonely Planet, Booking.com, Expedia, GetYourGuide, TripAdvisor
  • Proudly affiliated with: ETOA, Confindustria Emilia Romagna, Fiavet, Emilia Romagna – Land with a Soul, Bologna Convention Bureau, Città Metropolitana di Bologna

Slow Food….Fast Cars!

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