Jacqueline & Bruno | Our Stories | Souvenirs of Seychelles

Martine and Roland | Our Stories | Souvenirs of Seychelles [FR] Rencontrez Bruno et sa mère, Jacqueline ! Ce fut le coup de foudre pour Bruno lorsqu'il visita les #Seychelles pour la première fois à seulement 19 ans, et dès son retour chez lui, ses photos convainquirent ses parents de visiter également nos îles. Abonnez-vous et regardez leur vidéo pour découvrir ce qui les a attirés dans nos belles îles et ce qui les a poussés à continuer à les visiter plus de 40 fois 🥰 [ENG] Click on CC for English captions! Meet Bruno and his mother, Jacqueline! It was love at first sight for Bruno when he first visited the Seychelles at only 19 years of age, and immediately upon his return home, his photos convinced his parents to visit our islands as well. Subscribe and watch their video to find out what attracted them to our beautiful islands, and what made them decide to keep visiting over 40 times 🥰 ____ Interested in learning more about the #SeychellesIslands? Visit our official destination website: https://sey.chell.es/visit-us SUBSCRIBE to our channel: https://sey.chell.es/youtube ____ Connect with us! Facebook: https://sey.chell.es/facebook Instagram: https://sey.chell.es/instagram Twitter: https://sey.chell.es/twitter ____ Video credits: Tourism Seychelles - Randy Rosalie

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