An innovative and regererating tour dedicated to professional managel, entrepreneurs and wellness enthusiasts

                                             Proposal for an experential path



Proposal for an experential path

A getaway in a magical context.... Innovative and regenerating dedicated to managers, entrepreneurs, professionals and...... lovers of well-being .


This proposal is just one of the different tourist opportunities of the Foundation’s Network of Companies belonging to the hospitality, agri-food, cultural and artisanal chain of Molise.

In the beautiful environment of an excellent structure, surrounded by greenery, overlooking the sea and equipped with every comfort because it deals with well-being in all its forms.... offers, for the most demanding tourists, a unique experience....

The HERA ETS Foundation, together with the Humanities Foundation HOMO NOVUS, offers to the most attentive Visitors.... a special event of two/three days of Humanities Training on holiday, dedicated to Entrepreneurs, Professionals, Buyers, Managers, Artisans and all those who daily find themselves making assessments and making decisions, from work area to social area and private area.


In recent years there has been an unexpected fast change of scenario and with great confusion together with uncertainty, it is important to acquire a technique that allows us to be functional and effective, always and in any case.

Change is a must, it is said that in the market "either advances or you adapt or you are eliminated" this is the rule of the market. Society is constantly changing and therefore it becomes essential to be ready and available for change, as the snake changes its skin to survive, We must therefore learn to have flexibility and alertness of mind to update in real time in the face of changing situations, and be able to identify and implement the most effective choices. 

Every man is responsible for his own existence and choices, he must therefore learn a criterion that allows him a practical knowledge on how to decide in every situation, from deciding how to dress, what to eat, who to meet and what decision or investment to make, from work to personal...... the aim is individual well-being!

We are used to acting according to what we think, to what seems more right, but the result we mostly see only after and generally it is too late. This can cause money loss, accidents or other.

Nature has given us both the criterion to grasp the right choice and the tools to implement it, it is about following this gift of nature that is a knowledge that you learn... exactly how you learn to read and write.

This criterion is the "compass" that allows you to keep in touch with your intuition

 and thus allows you to excel and grow... Made in Italy is a clear example! Even in a difficult market situation, there are great opportunities but you have to be brave enough and know how to grasp them, in this the Intuition is ....... the highway! 

Everyone knows the phrase Veni, Vidi, Vici, which sums up the work of a Leader, that is, an operator who acts effectively, VENI, who understands the problem, VIDI, and who sees the solution and VICI, and implements it effectively, winning.


The aim of this Humanistic Education, from the Visceral Brain to the Nature Project,  is to increase individual sensitivity, it is a knowledge that concerns the potential of individual Nature, an education to our emotional intelligence that passes through the visceral brain and that allows us to realize our advantage, each in its own way, as we are unique and unrepeatable.

A very practical and also pleasant training, as it continuously stimulates individual skills using different approaches: dreams, free images, sensations, emotions, recurring situations, fixed thoughts, impressions, the lapses, the reactions of our body in every situation. 

In practice it is about learning that continuous communication of which we do not always have evidence, starting from the fact that the case does not exist and if there is an effect there is a cause and vice versa. It will then be possible to make this acquaintance, in a very practical way.

Therefore, moments of training and individual comparison will be alternated to provide the right rational information about the topics, to practical activities and exercises.... all in a lovely location both outside:

that in its elegant premises and with comfortable rooms for our guests.

                                                        It will be a very alive school!!! 

                                  TOPICS COVERED AND PRACTICAL ACTIVITIES

Perception with its 3 levels and 4 spheres of decision-making influence

Visceral Brain and Nature Project, how to perceive it and better use it

Behavior style and self-healing techniques including healthy cooking     

Analysis of individual sensations and practical advice, how to listen and manage decisions

Viewing and instrumentalizing a successful film: analyzing and understanding the emotions you feel in everyday life, where watching a film is an excellent exercise to analyze emotions, sensations and reactions that everyone feels during the projection of filmic images, but life itself is a film. 

Holistic dance activity for increased perceptive sensitivity: the goal is to eliminate any form of body stiffness, restore energy circularity, increase health and sensitivity in grasping themselves and the surrounding environment.

A unique Course, which really wants to awaken that intuition that has always been the basis of know-how, then it will be a path that will allow you to enter the logic of how you have to manage the intuition to be able to then use it with certain advantage in the management of your company or business. 

Unique and innovative proposal offered by well-known quantum Psychologists and Managers of thirty years of experience at the service of Companies, of the most complete Wellness Centres, to manage stress and consequent anxiety, dissatisfaction, a sense of inadequacy.... 

to give new strength to Intuition in Business, an authentic immersion in the logic of the movement of intuition that will give a boost of renewal in progress, with immediate feedback. 

Man is continuous action but if the action is not accompanied by the success triggers the frustration, the stress, the anguish that then leads to psychosomatic at the biological level, illness, or at the level of activity, economic loss until bankruptcy.


Day one: 

Arrival at the window overlooking the sea.... Villa Livia..... known structure in Petacciato, where the quiet blends with beauty, taste and discovery....

Welcome drink, room accommodation and relaxing tour with your new friends... ing. Gian Franco Grassi, Business Psychologist, Management and Strategy Consultant, Trainer and President of the Humanities Foundation HOMO NOVUS ETS 

and Dr. Maurizio Borri , Entrepreneur, Psychologist, Music Therapist, Coah qualified.

Free evening at the ancient village of Termoli, or other proposals and advice, with typical dinner.

Day two:

Full immersion in the activities described, with lunch break to enjoy the typical local meal

We continue with the program of "works of well-being and construction /inner strengthening."

Dinner proposed by the qualified chef of Villa Livia

Day three:

Breakfast and check out but... not without having first proposed the continuation of the Tour in other enchanted villages of Molise, where parties and re-enactments will mark your next destination..

The price reserved for BIT visitors is starting from  850,00 reservations can be made through an agency affiliated with the Hera ETS Foundation, as a proposing body for development and territorial promotion

GBA GROUP -  V.le Pindaro 21 – PESCARA   Tel: 085 3884896 - Sito  Web:                                                                 





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