Address: Via Andrea Serrao, -85100 Potenza
Telephone: 0971/21719
Opening hours to the public: Monday, 14.00-20.00; from Tuesday to Sunday, 9.00-20.00
Closing days: January 1st, May 1st, December 25th
Entrance ticket: full € 2.50; reduced € 1.25; free on first Sunday of the month; concessions according to the provisions in force in state museums

The National Archaeological Museum of Basilicata was after named “Dinu Adameșteanu”, a scholar of Romanian origin, of absolute international importance as well as “founder” of Lucan archeology and first Superintendent of Basilicata in the years 1964-1977.
In the square in front of the entrance there is the prometopidion, a horse statue, symbol of the museum.
The exhibition stands on 2 floors, 22 rooms and 8 sections, offering to the visitor a rich repertoire of traces of periods and peoples that lived in the entire regional territory, and in particular:
XI and VII century BC: Enotri on the Ionian coast; sites of the Incoronata, in Pisticci and Santa Maria d’Anglona,with objects dated to the beginning of the Iron Age;
7th century BC: Greek colonization on the Ionian coast; objects from the colonies of Metaponto, founded in 640 BC and Siris-Heraclea;
9th and 8th centuries BC: Enotri along the valleys of the Agri and Sinni rivers; necropolis with pit tombs (Aliano, Chiaromonte, Guardia Perticara);
between IX-VIII and IV century BC: Apuli on the middle valley of Bradano and Basento;
between VIII and V century BC: Peuketiantes in the mountainous areas of the internal northern Basilica (princely necropolis of Baragiano and Braida di Vaglio and inhabited area of Serra di Vaglio, near Vaglio Basilicata;
end of 5th-4th century BC: Lucani in the northern area;
late 4th century BC: Roman conquest, objects from the Latin colony of Venusia (Venosa), the Roman center of Grumentum and the Roman villas in the area.

Particular attention is given to the findings of Vaglio, from which rich funerary objects came, datable between the end of the 6th and the middle of the 5th century BC. The refined armor from the tombs of the warriors and the precious jewels from the female tombs attest to the presence of an elite in which we can recognize the kings (βασιλεῖς ) of the Peuketiantes, the people who occupied the territory in the archaic age.
The most significant evidence concerning the occupation of internal Basilicata during the 4th century BC was given by the Lucanians who returned from the sanctuary of Rossano di Vaglio: embossed sheets, fragments of bronze statues, gold and silver jewels, marble and terracotta statuettes.


National Archaeological Museum of Basilicata “Dinu Adameșteanu”

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