The “Seven lakes land”: where the blue color of waters combines the bright green of Pre-Alpine valleys. An "open-air sports field" which allows the practice of land, water and air sport disciplines.

From canoeing to biking, from sail flying to paragliding… and then golf, running, but also sailing and horse trekking.

Are you in search of a place to practice open-air sports where the hills and the Pre-Alpine mountains surround lakeside routes? Do you prefer the splendid scenery of Park Ticino? In any case, Varese and its territory are waiting for you, to gift you with their marvelous natural environment.

Here you may enjoy a day outdoors, dedicating yourself to a great number of disciplines. Moreover, there are many structures and sportive organizations availing high quality and highly professional human resources.

For all the fans, a rich calendar full of touristic and sportive events is constantly updated on website


MORE INFO: Active & Green

Active & green

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