The province of Pavia can be defined as "the Land of Flavors": the flavors of agriculture and farming.

Every corner of the province conceals its own food and wine excellence to be savored and revealed, from the waters of the rice paddies to the wines of the Oltrepò Pavese area. 

Among the excellences of the area is undoubtedly its rice: the “white gold” of the valley. Among other things, the province of Pavia boasts its leadership in the production of rice in Europe.

There is rice for every taste: Arborio, Carnaroli, Vialone nano, Baldo, Balilla, Roma, Sant'Andrea, Otello, Loto and Gladio. But, the most prized of them all is Carnaroli da Carnaroli Pavese rice, produced within a certified supply chain. 

After the territory of Burgundy, the province of Pavia boasts the largest Pinot Nero vineyard area, as well as the highest number of DOC, DOCG certified wines from the Oltrepò Pavese, including IGP wines from the Province of Pavia.

Among the products that will make your mouth water is without doubt Salame di Varzi DOP salami, which can be savored with Miccone, a traditional bread from the city of Stradella, and Salame d’Oca goose salami, typical from the area of Mortara.

Another characteristic of the territory are the various cheeses: Grana Padano DOP, Taleggio DOP, Quartirolo Lombardo DOP, Gorgonzola DOP, fresh and aged goat’s cheese, Molana del Brallo, Nisso di Menconico and Pizzocorno.

There are also other excellent products such as: the famous Zucca Bertagnina pumpkin from Dorno and the Berettina pumpkin from Lungavilla, Fagiolo Borlotto beans from Gambolò, the renowned Cipolla Rossa di Breme red onion from Breme, and the golden Cipolla Dorata onion from Voghera, to be savored with the fantastic Peperone di Voghera peppers from the same area.

For those with a sweet tooth, the province also boasts a considerable variety of desserts: Offelle di Parona biscuits, Brasadè di Staghiglione biscuits, Torta di San Siro cake, Torta Paradiso cake and finally, Torta di Mandorle di Varzi almond cake.

Don’t forget to also try the excellent Pomella Genovese apples and Ciliegie di Bagnaria cherries. 

Do you feel hungry now?

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