Experience the thrill of driving your favorite Ferrari or Lamborghini car on real roads or at a private track, in the heart of the Italian Motor Valley, near Bologna, where they are made.

Ferrari, Lamborghini and many more! Test drive your favorite sports car during a thrilling motor tour in Bologna Motor Valley in Italy. Easily combine your incentive travel and tour experience with other fun activities and lunch at a local restaurant to stimulate your taste buds with the flavors of the region’s best delicacies.

There’s nothing better than driving a Ferrari or Lamborghini supercar in the region where they are made, whether on real roads or at a private track!

Why us?

  • TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence w/5 Star rating
  • 16 Years of activity
  • 65K + Happy Customers
  • 13K + Delivered Tours
  • 500+ Events organized
  • Destination experts for Emilia Romagna and Bologna
  • Rewarded by Travel Experts: Fodors, Viator, Lonely Planet, Booking.com, Expedia, GetYourGuide, TripAdvisor
  • Proudly affiliated with: ETOA, Confindustria Emilia Romagna, Fiavet, Emilia Romagna – Land with a Soul, Bologna Welcome, Città Metropolitana di Bologna

Luxury Driving Experience

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