
A path in nature, with countryside rhythm, to know yourself and to pamper yourself.

NaturalMente has been born from our life and from our farmhouse experiences , since we are sure that back to nature and to simplicity could make us live better.

NaturalMente is a wellness program which has been created to regenerate our body and our soul with only natural methods.

NaturalMente offers the possibility to learn natural techniques to improve your wellness and the world where we live. A precious knowledge that we should put in our everyday life.
NaturalMente is a path in nature, with countryside rhythm, to know yourself and to pamper yourself.

NaturalMente path, with a 7 days stay, with a maximum of 10 participants, in order to guarantee the best of the attention to our guests.

For more infos about NaturalMente, you can look at the section "Documents"

© 2021 Fiera Milano SpA - P.IVA 13194800150
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